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About LAdy M

Lady M intentions are to provide physical, spiritual, and emotional health and prosperity. A healthier alternative whether its a snack or a full meal. DO YOUR BODY RIGHT! With such as amazing selection of vegetarian sandwiches, you will be satisfied every time.

Made with a kick of SOUL. Lady M loves to cook and experiment with new recipes. She started off making sandwiches for her family at home, fortunate enough her family loved her sandiwiches and encouraged her to grow and make it a business.. Now locally Lady M takes part in different venues in the hearts of brooklyn. â€‹


From the Press


"Unbelievable scrumptious, one bite and it's like a wheel of flavors"


Emma Brown, Blogger - Oh My Goodness

" I can never just eat one, I can have one for all three meals a day lol".


The Food Reporter

"It makes my heart happy, these sandwiches hit the spot everytime. Thank you lady M"

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